Overweight affects an estimated 97 million people in the United States; the cost to the US is a staggering figure that is multiple billions of dollars per year. The estimate is over 24 billion dollars per year. Based on these statistics, what on earth can we do to correct this kind of problem? We are talking about nearly one out of every third person is classified as part of this problem.
Outside of diet, what can be done to help these people?
First of all we need to correct the food industry. They and their greed are the basic cause of this problem. Of course the food industry denies these problems are caused by them. Anybody that associates with restaurants knows that the flavor of food is in the fats. Without the flavor the food isn’t as desirable; so one needs to work to correct this situation in their diet. Fast foods, or should I say fat foods should be eliminated? To start with the Biblical answer to the weight problem is quite simple. It’s laid out in what people should eat. It’s quite simple, get into it and study those ancient food laws that they say are obsolete. They are there to maintain your good health. Simple, so simple that people don’t believe them. If you are one of them you might just as well quit reading this article. You won’t want to hear what I have to say.
Second: We must educate our children. Train them at home how they must live with God as their companion then teach them the necessities of life. Home schooling your children is an admirable goal and well worth going after. Even if it’s on a part time basis, you need to be vigilant to guard against what is being funneled into your child’s mind at the public schools. There are some very bad evil people in our public school system that needs guarding against. Some of those people should be executed for what they are teaching. It will probably take a thousand years to eradicate this kind of falderal. It will be done right from the family unit at home. Remember the hands that rock the cradle raise the good leaders.
Peoples problems are physical, mental, and spiritual. We as a sick people leave out the spiritual aspect of our life and wonder why they have physical and mental problems. With proper dedication you can begin to eliminate your problems a little at a time. Nobody could take the total reversal unless it becomes a world wide catastrophe. Then it will be done under duress, if you survive. The spiritual connection is always there just waiting for you to turn it on. Whether you know it or not, there are living thoughts flowing through this spiritual connection that can help you. You just need to tune your mind into it.
In order to help you on you way there is TriVita that is a Health and Wellness company that is devoted to helping people with their physical and spiritual problems. It will take some study on your part and the rewards will be truly great. Little by little, and it will take a life time; however you will gain control and your life will improve. The mind is an awesome thing to waste, get in there and stir up your grey matter. The links at the bottom of this article are for you to click and explore.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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