Friday, November 21, 2008

TriVita Vitamin C For Health And Wellness | 131

Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD, internationally-respected pioneering leader in effective treatment of schizophrenia, advised natural medicine advocate and Council member Kent Pullen that King County elected officials should demand a better job from their psychiatrists. At the invitation of Chair Pullen, Hoffer appeared before the Law, Justice & Human Service Committee of the King County Council in June. Dr. Hoffer suggested the elected officials ask the County psychiatrists a simple question: how many of their patients are well? If not, why not? by Merrily Manthey, MS Published in CHOICES, July 1997

TriVita Vitamin C For Health And Wellness | 131

A psychotic patient of Dr. Abram Hoffer M.D,, Ph.D. had a patient that was diagnosed with bronchiogenic carcinoma, (which is to say lung cancer). He had reached the stage where the patient became psychotic (delusional) and was no longer operable so he had been given cobalt radiation treatments. He was admitted into Dr. Abram Hoffers ward and placed on the terminal list. Dr. Hoffer had discovered that he had been having success in administering large doses of Vitamins B3 and C to some of his patients; and he found that regardless of what the patients had, they seemed to do very well with large amounts of these two vitamins. B3 is often referred as Nicotonic acid and Niacin. Vitamin C is often referred as ascorbic acid and is an antioxidant.

A word of caution about Niacin which is Vitamin B-3. The stuff is too toxic and dangerous for people to mess with it on their own. It's not the rash and unpleasant skin stuff that is the problem, but the liver damage that can happen after a few weeks of use.

Vitamin B3 tends to be found in foods that are good sources of protein such as red meat, poultry, fish and nuts, although potatoes, pasta and yeast extract also contain this vitamin. Some foods such as bread and breakfast cereals are also fortified with niacin. The body is also able to make niacin from an amino acid (protein building block) called tryptophan. This means foods that are a good source of tryptophan such as eggs, milk, cheese and yoghurt, can contribute to recommended intakes for niacin. Deficiency of this vitamin is rare but causes skin problems, weakness, fatigue and a loss of appetite. In extreme cases, a condition called pellagra develops You may hear the word pellagra which is a psychotic condition which many times is brought on by the lack of vitamin B3 (Niacin). Many times these conditions are brought on by cancer and there seems to be a link. ???

Dr. Hoffer discovered that regardless of the problems that patients were having they seemed to respond very well within 3 days to large doses of Vitamins B3 and Vitamin C. Dr. Hoffer found that after 30 months his patient died of a heart attack.

This is information that you may want to and should discuss with your health consultant before taking action. For research in orthomolecular medicine which will help you in finding answers to you health problems go to this link. There are links to a lot of essays and information related to mental and physical health. Your physical health can affect your mental health.

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