Many of our oldsters (mature citizens) will grasp what I’m going to tell you. Many AARP members and elderly are very concerned about their investments and rightly so. With a little research you will also understand what is going on within our very own government. Right now it seems that it’s being torn apart at the seams. I would like to tear a few of them apart myself, with gusto.
It would be interesting to see the statistics of the top 10% value/volume of the stock market changes in buying and selling. Take the high dollar value and analyze who is doing what. I don’t know where the break is but you can count on it that the high value/volume contains the secrets. Trace each sale and purchase to its origin/destination and see if the stock market is being manipulated. You can bet your bottom dollar that it is. It may be known only by the very top very few. Accumulate each stock and analyze each stock first in total. Then break each selected stock into who is who at origin and who is who at its destination. With today’s computers it would be a snap to be able to do this. You can bet the transactions are tied to source/who and destination/who. For my money it is the banks that have this large volume of money to work with or the billionaire tycoons to play this shell game. More than likely the banks; such as the Federal Reserve and the Bank Of England. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find that it’s an in house game originating with one person or group working out of one or two accounts transferring fictitious transactions. Since the money is created out of thin air it really has no value in a game like this except to extort money from the unsuspecting. They are playing a you loose they win game, no matter what.
You and I don’t have the clout to be able to accomplish an analysis of this nature but you can bet your life someone does; and it’s probably not a friend. I’m an old systems analyst dog and know that there are many stories in statistics, and they can be very revealing. We need Congress to establish a Bank Of America and be totally independent of the world banks and controlled by congress/we the people in accordance to our constitution. Then this Bank Of America could issue debt free money and have our debts paid for in less than two years. Only 3 times in history have we had debt free money and that was in Colonial times, then the Lincoln Green Back following the Civil War, and John F. Kennedys issue of debt free silver backed money. Look up his presidential order # 11110 on your search engine, it’s very revealing. Get ready for the shock of your life. Is it possible that the banks were responsible for these two assignations? Or was it just coincidence?
This approaches another subject that is quite interesting and that is the method that we use to elect our senators. Our early founders elected to have it set up to have the congress of the states appoint and elect their senators. The senators then appointed and elected the president. Boy would this clear the dust. It’s time to think about it. This would put the control back to the people and they would control their representative or throw him/her out. The clean up would be where it belongs, at the grass roots. This is where the oversight comitties would be most effective.
While we are at it, the 14th amendment to the constitution needs revisiting. Believe it or not, it was never ratified and a very in depth study is needed of the history to understand what kind of wool was pulled over the eyes of the people right during the turmoil in our country immediately following the Civil War. It’s really a can of worms, but it needs correcting. The lawyers and their double tongued legalese language try to lie their way around it. We need to kick that kind of crap out of our government. Return our elected representatives to the common man with common sense which is a very rare commodity today among our elected representatives. We would then have laws passed in the common language which everybody but lawyers could understand. We would be better off throwing Blacks Law Dictionary away. They (the lawyers) use it to hide what they are writing up in laws as coded in that book. It is the source of very deceptively written laws.
Get rid of the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal Reserve Act, create our own Bank Of America and issue our own debt free money, then show the world how it’s done. We have that spirit in our genes and it’s time to use it and break free of that cursed Federal Reserve Bank and all the would be leaders (the NWO gang) that are trying to lead us to our destruction. Consider the corrupt United Nations, they are not represenative elected people.
In the mean time you can begin to develop your own home based business which could be used right now to help ride out this storm of our money system. Go to the links at the end of this article and make an in depth study of the possibilities of using the TriVita method of purchasing customers instead of leads and build a very financially sound business of your own. Just click on those links. I’m 77 years old and I am very busy at my home based business, and you could be also. Just click on those links and begin.
Brad Vigansky
Skype: bradley:vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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