Saturday, October 25, 2008

AARP And Home Schooling | 107

You may think that home schooling isn't for you if you are an AARP member and past the age and time when you will be having any more kids of school age. You may have grand-children and this does affect you and your relationship to them. In our wonderful country children of all age groups have the opportunity for an education and cultural experience that could be truly great. In some cases where the teachers are the exception rather than the rule, that some of the children that they come in contact with are blessed with the exception. These teachers are truly in a battlefield for the minds of our young people. The extreme left wing socialists that seem to have control of our school system are in reality destroying our educational system. This is why over 4 million scholars are being home schooled by their parents. That is over 1 percent of our population that are 15 to 30 percent better educated than the public school students.

I can remember nearly 40 years ago I confronted the board of education in regard to some real bad crap that was being taught to my oldest daughters in high school. They were using this very vulgar book as a class study in literature. The book was loaded with pornographic literature that was very extreme in a perverted sexual nature. I alerted all the parents that I knew, and an influential friend, a minister and by the end of the day I received a call from the board that the book was removed from their curriculum. That began a clean up in the curriculum in that school and I hope they continue to this day. It is this kind of crap that is being pushed down the throats by perverted teachers on a national scale. If you are a home school mom and dad you can control this kind of crap from entering into the teaching of your children. It is the non religious left that is pushing for this kind of teaching and just look at the results. It’s time for you parents to wake up to the reality of the issues and make a change in your ideas of education and life style. Putting your responsibility in the hands of the state has led us down this road of decadence. Take a good look at the current investigation that is being conducted by the oversight committee. The stench of corruption is everywhere around the world.

The next thing that people will confront you with will be that home schooling is an isolationist movement and shouldn’t be allowed. That’s rubbish and faulty thinking. Our very first President warned us about becoming involved in treaties with foreign countries. By making a study of this issue it appears that he was right. Look at where it has taken us. Right down the road to destruction. We are now involved with treaties around the world that are taking our freedoms away from us one by one. This movement must be stopped and it begins right in the home and how we live. With another 4 million home schooled scholars bringing the total up to about 8 million which would be over 2 percent of our population, this would be a strong enough movement to change this tide of destruction that is going on within our country. It will occur by teaching proper morals in the home and by this method will the leaders of our destiny arrive. Consider in 8 million people that are 15 to 30 percent above the norm in intelligence of the public school system and with the proper morals will reestablish our country with statesmen and not politicians.

Instead of teaching your children with guide books on teaching them the road to becoming a felon; you in your home school classrooms will be teaching the well balanced ways of success. The 14th amendment must be revisited because extreme cock eyed politicians changed it with out it ever becoming ratified. You need to learn how to watch rats at night time. With right thinking this will have to be rewritten and changed to get the evil provisions removed. This all took place right after the civil war during the 1860’s and 1870‘s. It is really a fascinating study and well worth the time and effort to understanding why such a great nation has become so hated. Our enemies know more about us than we do. The trail will lead you right back to our corrupted banking system and to the very top leaders in the banks that have bought out our politicians. Follow this link.

Right now everybody is going to feel the pinch of the bankers that are in our pockets and they want us to become their serfs. As I see it home schooling along with home based business is the only way out of this dilemma. As for the home based business you are at the right place at the right time, now. Evaluate the principles of establishing a successful business right at home. Check on the links at the bottom of this article and study the business principles of TriVita. They sell their customers and with that you are able to build a solid business. They have over a 10 year track record and a customer list of over 2 million people and growing. Click on those links and get started.

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