As an AARP member you may be past the time when you would want to home school your children, but you might want to encourage your kids to home school your grand-children. You could show them how by beginning your own home based business on a part time basis. Then after your income grows you would be in a position to help your kids get started and thus your whole family avoiding the slave traps of the JOB. You need a reason for doing this and I want to tell you about part of it. The schooling system of the public schools is a big part of our today’s problems.
Did you know that your kids will get cultural experience in the public schools and the question I have is, what’s the quality? Then there is the structured life style; let’s see, what that structure is. I think it’s severely lacking because your children are classified into groups of their same age. Mingling with different age groups does not happen. So there is a big gap in the combining of age groups which is a much more natural and an environment that only the family will provide. By comparison your kids would have a much better opportunity for learning to cope with different ages of children right in your home environment of home schooling. Who would you rather have your child be taught by their siblings and you or strangers that you probably don’t even know? Throwing your kids in today’s public schools is tantamount to letting them roam the streets of the cities. There they will learn their sex education that will really get them wired. Our kids are loosing their innocence at ever earlier years and to be sure it’s the extreme left wing element among the teachers that is the root cause. The idea that, oh if it feels good and don’t hurt anybody it’s ok. The child is totally unaware of the delayed hurt that will be suffered and even how it will come about. They make babies before they are ready to cope with and raise. Now who is being hurt, it felt so good?
If that isn’t enough there is the problem of alcohol and drug use in our schools. It’s wide spread in the public school system. I wonder how many teachers ever get tested for such activity. That might be a good program to implement. Drug testing for teachers. I can hear the screaming and hollering now. Consider this, what is the purpose of the home if it isn’t love and safety of all members. You have the power to completely shut out the dangerous public school system. Our public school system is broken and not worth the fixing, it needs replacing and the home schooling is the answer. It will take a long time but as the home schooling increases, many will finally realize that this is the way to go. When there is such a variance in the results people will begin to realize just how badly our public school system needs replacing; and not the building but the teachers.
The one great thing that holds people back from home schooling is the cost. They can’t afford to loose one or more of the income producers of the home for home schooling. There is a way around that and it might take 3 to 5 years but it can be done. Is it worth loosing a child to a situation that has occurred over and over again in our schools of the mass murder of our children due to the madness of the ones that have felt cheated by the school system. What is wrong with sheltering your kids from lunatics like that? Well you can increase your income by developing a program of acquiring assets. TriVita has a superb program where you can do just that and in a few months or years you will have adequate income to be able to readjust your life style to your choosing.
When you consider the public school system it is the source of our today’s problems controlled by our misled left wing elected and appointed politicians. They have implemented their systems into the school system that is self serving to the political body of crooks. For the masses of children they have relegated them to sheople and not worth working with, thus creating a larger and larger pool of the street people and homeless future felons. This situation could be eradicated by the home school system. What would Thomas Edison have done if he had not had the home schooling of his mother? His teacher kicked him out of the public schools as being retarded and not teachable. How many times has it happened that we have lost geniuses to stupid, and I do mean stupid self serving teachers? Thomas Edison’s mother gave him a science book and he completed every experiment in the book. I think the public teachers need to stand in the unemployment line.
Click on those links and learn how to make money on the internet. Then teach your kids how, young or old. Then your whole family could become home based businesses.
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184
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