Aspartame is an artificial sweetener, C14H18N2O5, formed from aspartic acid, which is an amino acid and is found in abundance in plant proteins, especially in sprouting seeds but can be manufactured in the body from oxaloacetic acid and was first isolated in 1868 from legumin in plant seed. Aspartic acid, as well as glutamic acid, is the only amino acid that has a negatively charged carboxylate group on the side, Aspartic acid is of paramount importance in the metabolism during construction of other amino acids and biochemicals in the citric acid cycle. Among the biochemicals that are synthesized from aspartic acid are asparagine, arginine, lysine, methionine, threonine, isoleucine, and several nucleotides. However aspartic acid is needed for stamina, brain and neural health and assists the liver by removing excess ammonia and other toxins from the bloodstream. It is also very important in the functioning of RNA, DNA, as well as the production of immunoglobulin and antibody synthesis.
Get the point that to create aspartame the molecular structure of aspartic acid has been altered and thus creating a poisonous food additive and labeled Aspartame. The appalling thing about all this is that there are 92 documented different health side effects caused by aspartame consumption. Aspartame, unlike saccharin which does not break down within the human system. Aspartame dissolves into solution and travels freely throughout the body and can deposit within any tissue.
It is important for you to put this together and determine how aspartame affects you. It affects people differently due to the wide range of genetic differences. For your personal research go to www dot sweetpoison dot com. There you can learn more about the 92 side affects of aspartame. For additional information and study go to Earth Clinic Folk Remedies.
If you got this far you should have heard about Stevia, Just in case you missed reading about it you can go to the TriVita product list and find out all about it. It is a natural sweetener that is safe to use and is an extract made from the Stevia plant native to Paraguay. For more information click on the links at the bottom of this article.
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1 comment:
I am very sorry to see that you have been taken in by the antiaspartame extremists and their false arguments. These comments about aspartame are simply untrue! Aspartame is perfectly safe used as directed in healthy people (see: Here are the real facts concerning aspartame, including facts concerning your claim of adverse reactions and symptoms.
All the misguided concern about aspartame was wrongfully created by a combination of purely scientific errors that started with the original Searle work, were perpetuated by a misguided aspartame internet conspiracy theory, and were supported by two badly designed and executed 2006 and 2007 studies by Soffritti et al and most if not all other European studies. Early FDA evaluators of the original Searle work had tumor concerns, this fable of which the internet conspiracy theorists have kept alive for twenty years. But those original results were simply false positives stemming from an error that nobody, even FDA, caught until I reported it in the spring of 2008. The Searle work and everything since (including both highly quoted Soffritti et al (Ramazzini studies) 2006 and 2007 rat studies (suggesting lymphoma and leukemia), and even the internet “” rat experiment used a simple, yet wrong experimental design, not to speak of a badly conducted protocol. First I’ll discuss the experimental design error. They used control rats (fed no aspartame) and treated rats (fed different, graded doses of aspartame to get a dose response). While this design is normally adequate, this design is improperly balanced and invalid for aspartame. And even a high school science fair student can recognize this fact once it is explained. Methanol from aspartame degradation (or from fruit juices and many other sources) is converted to formaldehyde and formic acid. Formaldehyde and formate have long been known to react with and at the highest doses used in these experiments deplete a portion of the vitamin folic acid (folate) in exposed rats. That uncontrolled high dose folate degradation would be negated and irrelevant, if folate were added to diets (daily and microgram sustenance supplements. That is part of the reason that folate is needed in small maintenance doses daily. But, as these experiments were performed, this degradation of folate only happens in the treated animals, because only they got the aspartame source of the methanol. The consequence is that ONLY the rats receiving the aspartame will show a dose-dependent (high dose, the more the deficiency) increase, not in tumors arising from aspartame, but from folate deficiency induced tumors. A proper design would involve feeding folate supplements to both control and treated animals; it would best have used three groups, control rats, aspartame treated rats, and folate supplemented, aspartame treated rats. This design would not have given rise to tumors, because the rats would not have been depleted of folate by the methanol exposure. Folate deficiency causes exactly those tumor types reported in the 2006 and 2007 lifetime exposure experiments and literally dozens upon dozens of different cancers. In fact most if not all the symptoms you describe are directly or indirectly explainable by a folate deficiency. Second, I’ll describe the experimental errors made by Soffritti et al. Their use of Sprague-Dawley rats, which are known to become folate deficient as they age, is the most serious and found in all their two to three year studies. Because of its technical nature I cannot establish to you in this writing that their rats were deficient in folate even before beginning their experiment. However, various factors suggest that this is highly likely. The other European studies are all invalid, but for a different, yet related reason. They all failed to consider the serious impact of homocysteine, a substance which increases in the absence of folate. Homocysteine accrual explains all their errant work. (Information detailing the fatal error in all rat aspartame research is new this year. It was presented in March, 2008 at the national Society of Toxicology meeting in Seattle and in April, 2008 at the Agriculture & Food Chemistry section of the national American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans).
Second, the aspartame issues above deal with the rat experimental studies, but there is another totally separate issue of human safety. That issue only exists because of the false claims that aspartame causes problems including tumors in humans stemming from decades of badly done rat work. In a corollary of the third line of this discourse, the fact of the matter is that many people in this country are not healthy; their insufficiency of the vitamin folate makes them intrinsically susceptible to this natural cause of tumors that internet conspirators have wrongly attributed to aspartame. Many people, particularly women, are deficient in this vitamin (folate) and some are seriously deficient in it. Folate was added to grain products to quell a serious incidence of birth defects in children of deficient mothers. That worked to some extent. But the “health weight” trend not to eat sweet rolls, doughnuts and other grain products that have been fortified with folate since 1998 only worsens the underlying problem. Still other people have biochemical issues with their folate processing enzymes (called polymorphisms) that raise the requirement for folate and only raise their susceptibility to folate deficiency. Widespread folate deficiency, not aspartame, is the real problem causing much of the tumors and cancers epidemic in America today. Folate is also a major factor in breast cancer too, see FYI: this paper suggests that folate sufficiency is more important at breast cancer prevention than the genetic risk factor BRCA. And alcohol abuse by women is a major factor in increased folate deficiency and contributes greatly to the incidence of breast cancer today. The concentrations of alcohols (methanol from aspartame or ethanol from low use) are just insufficient to cause any problem in people without other underlying folate issues.
Recently there have been calls for a second round of grain product fortification to again help to overcome these folate deficiency problems. But the only real solution to the many folate deficiency linked tumors, birth defects, etc. is the use of folate supplements. Folate is made not by us, but by bacteria in our gut. Given even a folate precursor rich diet (“healthy living”), we simply cannot make sufficient folate to prevent the widespread occurrence of disease associated with folate deficiency. Moreover, natural folate intake is insufficient to meet demand, especially when compared to folate supplements. A 2007 paper ( notes that the availability of folate from foods is about 80% that of the supplements. Then, many dietary substances including antibiotics, abusive levels of ethanol, and many commonly used pharmaceuticals (antiepileptic and others) adversely affect either folate or the bugs that generate the folate; they only make us more deficient. This is why continuous consumption of folate supplements is essential.
Some might argue, well we should just avoid aspartame, because the methanol/formaldehyde/formate metabolites that react with and deplete folate. But they just don’t understand that methanol and its oxidation products formaldehyde and formate are required for the normal production of methyl groups. They are substrates for this enzyme. Without them would come all the consequences of a folate insufficiency, even with the folate. Methyl groups produced from methanol/formaldehyde/formate are the end product of the folate biochemical system and are used for many critical biochemical processes. It is folate-mediated methyl group incorporation into uracil forming thymine and incorporation of the latter into our DNA that actually functions to prevent cancer by preventing weak and breakable DNA. It is folate-mediated conversion of dangerous homocysteine into methionine that protects from heart and other diseases. So at least for methanol/formaldehyde/formate or the many other substances that slightly reduce folate availability, this argument is fallacious. For ethanol, however, it may be a different matter.
John E. Garst, Ph.D. (Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Nutrition)
(FYI, I have absolutely no financial or biasing connection with the aspartame, the soft drink or their related industries. However, I am tired of the antiaspartame extremists, who have no understanding of the sciences of pharmacology and toxicology nor likely of folate and its importance, trying to pass judgment and create false hearsay on something that they know nothing about.)
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