Tuesday, December 30, 2008

TriVita HCY Guard For Your Health And wellness | 169

Homocysteine (HCY) is often one of the most unknown and overlooked dangers you might face. Protection against it, when it’s high, is absolutely crucial for your health. High HCY -- the silent and deadly destroyer -- has been linked to many seriously debilitating conditions, including heart attack, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and stroke.

HCY Guard’s Outstanding Benefits are clinically-proven to lower dangerous homocysteine levels by 30-40% in just 42 days! HCY Guard contains an exclusive blend of nutrients, scientifically selected for their specific ability to protect against homocysteine from escaping into your blood stream. HCY Guard releases its powerful nutrients directly into your bloodstream via its special sublingual delivery system.

High HCY – it’s dangers are too often overlooked. Homocysteine (HCY) is an amino acid that is essential to a number of your body’s processes. That’s why, like cholesterol, your body needs a certain amount of it to function properly. But also like cholesterol, too much of HCY can seriously undermine your health – even to the point of putting you at great risk of developing drastically debilitating health conditions.

In other words, excessive HCY levels have been linked to many different severe health conditions, including: stroke, heart attack, coronary heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Your personal risk may be higher than normal. As with cholesterol, everyone needs to be concerned with the risks and dangers of high HCY. But your personal situation calls for even more attention if you already have any of these added risk factors, which greatly increase your chance of elevating your HCY: Digestive health problems, Kidney conditions, age 50 or older, high stress, excessive coffee consumption, breathing difficulties, diabetes, pregnancy, lack of exercise, or smoking.

Your risks are also very high if your or your family’s medical history includes cardiovascular Disease, stroke, alzheimer’s disease or osteoporosis.

According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. Almost 700,000 people die of heart disease in the U.S. each year. That’s about 29% of all U.S. deaths.

Beyond heart disease and other debilitating conditions, too much HCY can even be fatal. Don’t wait until it’s too late – help protect yourself now. TriVita’s HCY Guard is your perfect answer for dealing with HCY’s risks and dangers. First of all, it is physician-approved. Furthermore: HCY Guard has been clinically-proven to lower dangerous homocysteine levels by 30-40% in just 42 days!

These kinds of results are remarkable. And just as important, once your homocysteine is lowered to the normal range, HCY Guard will then help to maintain it at the right level. HCY Guard works so well because it contains a propriety blend of nutrients that have been scientifically selected for their ability to protect against homocysteine escaping into your blood stream. Plus, the potency of these special ingredients is assured since they are released directly into your bloodstream via HCY Guard’s special sublingual delivery system.

Protect your heart, your mind and your self from the risks, threats and dangers of high homocysteine – add clinically-proven HCY Guard to your daily supplement regimen.

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Brad Vigansky
TriVita Independent Affiliate
Skype: bradley.vigansky
Phone: 941-343-3184


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